from the Blog A Comprehensive Guide to Ostomy Adhesive Solutions

BDK is a leading source for the full suite of ostomy attachment solutions and provides innovative adhesive solutions that significantly improve the quality of life for ostomy patients. From skin irritation to leakage and controlling odours, these concerns can be solved with the correct adhesive solutions.

Here are some examples of the solutions available and how BDK can help.

Adhesive Solutions for Ostomy Patients

Skin-Friendly Adhesives for One Piece Systems

It’s important for ostomy adhesive solutions to be skin-friendly as the skin will be consistently exposed to these adhesive materials. However, they also need to be manufactured with secure adhesion in mind and a leak-proof seal.

In order to avoid any complications or discomfort, materials like manuka honey infused hydrocolloid, double sided skin friendly adhesives and silicone adhesives are used to attach ostomy bags. As well as providing these materials, BDK have the capabilities to convert these solutions into flexible wafers, so they fit an individual’s stoma more accurately.

Alternative Adhesives for Two Piece Systems

Where the wafer is attached to the patient’s skin and then the bag attaches to the wafer, this is known as a two piece system. It has been designed in order to minimise the discomfort of removing the adhesive from the skin multiple times per day. At BDK, we support the attachment element of this system and provide the adhesive flanges which are durable and secure.

Adhesive Filter Solutions for Odour Control & Management

To control odour for ostomy patients, advanced filter technology has been developed, for example, activated charcoal filter solutions. These help neutralise odours effectively by trapping them and eliminating them. At BDK, we have the ability to provide customised solutions for our customers.

Ostomy Adhesive Solutions from BDK

BDK is the leading healthcare and medical convertor, with over 60 years’ experience in the industry. Our complete project management solutions provide security, peace of mind, comfort and cost effectiveness for ostomy adhesives. We also deliver flexibility as our components can be used for disposable, flushable and drainable systems.

Contact us today to find out more information and to discuss your project with us.