from the Blog BDK Are Exhibiting at the Joint EWMA-Journées CICA 2022

BDK are pleased to be exhibiting at the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) 2022 event in Paris, between the 23rd – 25th May.

On Stand 264, we will be showcasing our converting capabilities across the wound care and ostomy markets, as well as medical wearables, diagnostics and devices.

BDK Are Exhibiting at the Joint EWMA-Journées CICA 2022

This year, the theme of the conference is “Organisation of care, pathways and coordination around complex wound healing”; here’s more information about this theme and the exhibition itself.

Why Was the Theme Chosen for EWMA 2022?

This theme was chosen for EWMA 2022 due to the difficulties of establishing clear pathways for primary types of ulcers and wounds that require special attention in many countries around the world. In order to provide high-quality care for patients, the global variations in health care structures and engagement of health care professions need to be considered.

At this exhibition, there will be a dedicated focus on answering questions and providing solutions related to the organisation of care, pathways and coordination around complex wound healing.

Why BDK Are Exhibiting at EWMA-Journées CICA 2022

EWMA is one of the largest international wound conferences and provides us with a global platform to boost awareness about our market-leading capabilities. We have the opportunity to meet the largest group of experts and practitioners, as well as customers, in wound healing and wound management face-to-face.

Neil & Mark at the Joint EWMA-Journées CICA 2022

We are able to exchange knowledge and experiences with likeminded people and update our expertise on advanced wound care to enhance our understanding which can be passed onto our operations. Direct visibility and networking possibilities at the EWMA are hugely valuable to us and we are excited to be exhibiting again.

If you’d like to arrange a meeting at the show, please contact Neil or Mark on 01473 659059.